FASD and Justice

As Executive Director of ABLE2, I am committed to continuing the conversations on critical issues impacting the disability community. One of the issues that I feel strongly about is fostering understanding and support for individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder or FASD. 

FASD is a diagnostic term used to describe impacts on the brain and body of individuals exposed to alcohol in the womb. (Canada FASD Research Network) These individuals often face unique challenges, including navigating systems like the criminal justice system. Without appropriate support and early interventions, individuals with FASD are at an increased risk of encountering the justice system— a reality that demands action from leaders across sectors. 

ABLE2, a community leader in FASD support and education, recognizes this two-pronged problem:  diagnosing FASD and the over-representation of people with FASD in the justice system. 

It’s estimated that 4% of Canadians have FASD (Canada FASD Research Network) and while that figure is considered to be low, these numbers are far outweighed in the justice system.  In a study involving 253 individuals with FASD, 60% reported a history of being charged, convicted or in trouble with the authorities and 42% of adults had been incarcerated (Streissguth et al). Youth with FASD are 10 to 19 times more likely to be incarcerated compared to their peers without FASD (Popova et al). These aren’t just numbers; they represent individuals who, due to their disability, may receive inappropriate punishments and are more vulnerable to exploitation within the system.

Early intervention begins with education and identifying the condition early. A Canada FASD Research Network study highlights that early interventions can mitigate behavioural challenges and prevent negative outcomes.  Children who are diagnosed and supported with early interventions are more likely to develop coping strategies, have improved social skills, and succeed in academic and social environments. And by equipping families, caregivers, educators and healthcare professionals involved with the tools necessary for individuals with FASD to thrive, this reduces the likelihood of later involvement with the justice system.  ABLE2’s FARP program works in partnership with CHEO providing programs and services, guidance, and education for medical, legal, and educational professionals. 

ABLE2 is also committed to supporting people with disabilities encountering legal issues, including those with FASD, as they navigate the justice system through its Reach Legal Referral Services (RLRS). RLRS connects individuals with disabilities to legal professionals who understand the complexities of disability-related legal challenges, to ensure they receive fair treatment and appropriate representation. Individuals with FASD can rely on services like RLRS, so they are empowered to advocate for their rights and access the justice they deserve. 

This month, ABLE2 held roundtable discussions with the Ottawa Police Services, legal professionals and several community-based organizations to collaborate, identify challenges, and brainstorm solutions for supporting people with FASD in the community. This ignited a conversation on ways service providers can reduce the justice and legal barriers, highlighting the vital need for training and education on FASD, and appropriate responses and interventions so that individuals with FASD have a fair chance to equitable outcomes. As a community, we must continue working together to build systems and reduce barriers that don’t fail the most vulnerable among us. 

As FASD Awareness Month ends, I want to remind you that Everyone Plays a Part. Understanding and supporting individuals with FASD is not just the responsibility of families or healthcare providers— it’s a community effort to raise awareness, educate ourselves, and foster a compassionate approach. When we all work together, we can create a stronger, healthier, and inclusive society where everyone is seen as able, respected and valued.

Published by

Heather Lacey

Experienced Non-Profit Executive Director

Read Heather’s other articles here

Wrap-around Blanket of Support for Michael and his Family

Four years ago, Michael and his family hit rock bottom.  

Michael had been previously diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). His parents always felt this wasn’t the full story but since Michael was adopted, there were many unknowns about his prenatal background. A mental health crisis in early 2020 left Michael and his family feeling isolated with nowhere to turn.  

Through a friend, the family was referred to ABLE2’s Fetal Alcohol Resource Program (FARP) and immediately felt embraced, supported and heard. The team worked with the whole family, introducing them to other ABLE2 programs and external community resources. 

Michael, who felt lonely and isolated, joined the virtual youth group, and found a community of other youth with, or with suspected, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). The teens developed friendships and supported one another with the help of caring and experienced facilitators.  His family was also supported. His parents attended the FASD Caregiver Support Group where they found others who “got them and their situation”. 

Susan, Michael’s mother, summed up her family’s experience, 

“I don’t know what we would have done without the ABLE2 team. Our family moved from a very isolating time to feeling we belong to a caring community. I don’t know how we would have managed through the pandemic without this support. It was our lifeline.”

The whole family strongly felt that they wanted to help others in the community by financially supporting ABLE2. The impact of the support the family received is continuing. Michael is taking steps forward in his transition to adulthood, his parents continue to receive invaluable support and connections. 

Michael’s and his family’s transformative journey navigating FASD demonstrates the remarkable impact of wrap-around support that FARP offers. As we observe FASD Awareness Month this September, their story is a reminder of the vital role we all play in fostering understanding and support for individuals with FASD like Michael. When you support ABLE2, you ensure that more families like Michael’s receive the wrap-around support that they need, so that they can thrive and build lives of meaning and joy.  

*Names have been changed for privacy.

Understanding and Supporting Individuals with FASD: Everyone Plays a Part

By Heather Lacey

As the Executive Director of ABLE2, I feel a personal duty to keep advocating for people with disabilities and to use my platform to shed light on the realities they encounter every day. As September is FASD Awareness Month it is especially important to me to highlight the challenges and needs of those with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). 

FASD is a lifelong disability that affects the brain and body of individuals exposed to alcohol in the womb. Each person with FASD has both strengths and challenges and will need special supports to help them succeed with many different parts of their daily lives. 

Despite affecting 4% of Canadians— approximately 1.5 million people— FASD remains significantly underrecognized and underdiagnosed, leading to a critical gap in support and services for those affected and their families. (Source: Canada FASD Research Network

FASD is often misrepresented due to its complex nature. Its symptoms frequently overlap with other conditions such as ADHD, Autism, and learning disabilities, making accurate diagnosis challenging. Furthermore, the absence of distinct physical features in most individuals with FASD contributes to its invisibility. However, a person with FASD may face significant cognitive and behavioural challenges. 

The lack of awareness and training among healthcare providers, educators, and social service workers exacerbates the difficulties. It is imperative that we, as a society, become more actively informed and bring more awareness, so that those with FASD can receive appropriate support and services that carry on into adulthood.

At ABLE2, we provide comprehensive support to children, youth, and individuals with FASD through our Fetal Alcohol Resource Program. This program offers community navigation and educational resources to help individuals with FASD and their families navigate the complexities of this lifelong condition. 

ABLE2 also offers FASD training to service providers and frontline workers, so that they can provide FASD-informed interventions to their service users. Our support group, facilitated by experienced professionals, provides a safe space for individuals and their caregivers to share experiences and strategies for managing daily challenges.

Supporting individuals with FASD is not just a moral imperative; it is also a societal necessity. Without appropriate support, individuals with FASD are at a higher risk of encountering difficulties in education, employment, and interactions with the criminal justice system. There is a growing need for FASD-informed services across various sectors, including social services and the criminal justice system, to ensure that individuals with FASD receive the understanding and accommodations they need to thrive.

As we approach FASD Awareness Month, it is vital that we continue to raise awareness about FASD and advocate for the necessary resources and support systems. By doing so, we can help individuals with FASD lead fulfilling lives and contribute meaningfully to our communities. We invite you to join ABLE2 in fostering a more inclusive community for those living with FASD, and their families. Everyone plays a part in shaping an equitable future for all.

Published by

Heather Lacey

Experienced Non-Profit Executive Director

Read Heather’s other articles here

Arne: Volunteer turned life-long friend

In 1985, when Arne saw an ad in the paper calling for volunteers to be a friend to an individual with disabilities in the community, he said to himself “I can do that.” ABLE2, then known as Citizen Advocacy of Ottawa, matched him with Norman, a person with a disability who shared similar interests with him. Who knew that that journey would last nearly four decades, showcasing the profound impact one dedicated volunteer can have on another’s life? Arne, now ABLE2’s longest-serving volunteer, has not only been a steadfast advocate and Ally to his Friend Norm but also a friend he can rely on and stand with through life’s challenges.

Their friendship started with a simple offer: “You can call me anytime you need to talk,” Arne told Norman. It was an open invitation that laid the foundation for a bond built on trust and understanding. Through the years, Arne offered much more than friendship; he opened the door for Norm to engage in the community, create connections and relationships, and embrace life beyond the confines of his home.

On one of their more memorable outings, Arne suggested a two-person kayak trip, hoping it would be a therapeutic escape for Norman. As they drove towards the park, Norman began to feel uneasy about the trip. Unsure of how to handle the situation, Arne stopped the car on a bridge and gently eased his concerns. The day turned into a beautiful experience of paddling, swimming, and sharing a meal on an island.

This outing was just one of many ways Arne helped Norman navigate his emotions. Whether it was a walk by the river, listening to meditation tapes, or simply enjoying a meal together, Arne was always there, providing Norman with the support he needed. Norman even had a room at Arne’s place, a safe space where he could retreat whenever life became overwhelming.

Despite the challenges, especially through the pandemic, Arne was steadfast in his commitment to his friend. He continued to check in on him, reminding him of the importance of staying active and engaged. Arne’s reflection on their relationship reveals a deep appreciation for the inspiration that Norman is to him and a profound appreciation of their bond. “Norman is a fantastic person. He did volunteer work too. When I met him, he wanted to do a couple of things… He wanted to leave his parents’ place, he wanted to find a place of his own, he wanted to work… And he achieved most of it. Norman is the kindest person you can imagine.”

When asked why he continues to be a volunteer Ally with ABLE2, Arne says:

“It’s very easy. [Volunteers] don’t have to change their life. They can continue living the way they do. They don’t have to work in a miracle, either. They just need to be a friend. And that’s something we all need, and most of us can be friends.”

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Last April 20, 2024, Arne was awarded at the Volunteer Appreciation Event “Impacting Lives Together” for being the longest-serving volunteer of ABLE2.

Arne’s story is proof of the transformative power of compassion through volunteerism. Volunteers like Arne empower people with disabilities to develop meaningful connections, have opportunities to engage and be active members of the community, and ultimately lead fulfilling lives. Through his commitment to his Friend, Norman, we continue to witness the incredible difference one person can make in another’s life simply by being a consistent and caring friend. Arne embodies the essence of ABLE2’s mission of empowering people with disabilities to build lives of meaning and joy.

As ABLE2 celebrates its 50th anniversary, we are inspired by Arne’s compassion, empathy, and commitment. Many more individuals like Norman are waiting for their Allies. By becoming a volunteer, you, too, can make a significant difference in someone’s life, just as Arne has done for Norman. In a world that often moves too fast, sometimes, all it takes to change a life is to be there, to listen, and to care.

Michael overcomes Agoraphobia with his Ally, Mike

In the vast expanse of an arena, amidst the roar of over 17,000 hockey fans, Michael experienced something extraordinary. For someone who had spent much of his life confined within his home due to agoraphobia or fear of open and crowded spaces, attending a live Sens game was a monumental step towards recovery. Michael attributes his renewed confidence and trust to his dedicated Ally, Mike, and the support from ABLE2’s Matching Program.

Michael shared his remarkable experience just days after attending his first Ottawa Senators game with his Ally Mike, made possible by ABLE2’s donors. “I had a wonderful time at Canadian Tire Centre. I have never been in a place with so many people, but my Match kept me calm, and we stayed the whole time.”

Michael has lived with agoraphobia, mental and physical health issues, and has struggled with developing social connections and isolation. “People often come and go in just a blur to me, not knowing who they were or what they came for,” shares Michael about having limited interactions with other people in the community. Health Links then connected Michael to ABLE2 and signed him up for the Matching Program.

“I was skeptical that they would be able to help someone like me, or find me a match that would be compatible, but I decided to take one step to recovery at a time,” says Michael.

In the middle of the pandemic, ABLE2 called and said they had a Match for Michael. But with the lockdown restrictions in place, Michael and Mike were only able to connect over Zoom calls. As months progressed and restrictions were lifted, Mike would visit Michael at his home. Mike would encourage him to go for a walk for a few minutes outside, which turned into a quick coffee stop, and eventually a trip to the mall. “We tried to increase what I could do; go to a coffee shop, then the mall, and even Costco, which pushed my limits to the extreme,” says Michael. Little by little, Mike would encourage Michael to go on outings for longer periods and promoting physical activities to strengthen his legs and back. Michael slowly gained confidence and comfort in being in the community and experienced the recovery and transformation that this friendship encouraged.

On that day in March, the Ottawa Senators may have lost, but the biggest winner was Michael. He overcame the anxiety, the overwhelming noise, music, the number of people; something he never thought he would be able to do. “In the last 12 years, I’ve seen only a handful of people. Sometimes months would go by when I haven’t spoken a word to anyone. I am thrilled to see my accomplishments – how far I’ve come on my journey with the help of ABLE2 and Mike.”

Michael’s newfound confidence and trust are a result of the meaningful connection and friendship he has built with Mike. Reflecting on this journey, Michael has expressed profound gratitude for Mike.

“I was amazed and had so many better experiences. Looking forward to more outings if opportunities present themselves again. Thanks to my match, I’m getting healthier and better with each event he’s taken me on. I still can’t believe it – over 17,000 people in the arena and I didn’t have a panic attack. Thank you again to my match for his time to volunteer and becoming a great friend helping me overcome agoraphobia.”

Michael’s story is a testament to the impact of ABLE2’s Matching Program. It shows the transformative power of compassion and dedication in helping others overcome their challenges and lead fulfilling lives. Dedicated volunteers like Mike prove that just being there, showing up, and being a friend can make an incredible difference in another’s life.

Finally, Michael describes his Ally Mike as his Hero: “Not all heroes wear capes. A hero to me is someone who can show up no matter the outcome, and still, they come and can be counted on and trusted to do the right thing. I hold Mike in the highest regard. It’s not easy to deal with someone like me. Each and every day, I strive to be like him, to be a positive and giving person.”

Accessible Summer Escapes: Explore these barrier-free outdoor destinations near Ottawa!

What is on your ultimate summer checklist? Making smores by a campfire? A trip to the beach? Or simply enjoying nature exploring trails? Whether you’re on team camp or team beach, you can have a FUN-tastic summer at any of the barrier-free outdoor campsites, beaches and trails near Ottawa! 

While accessibility means different for everyone, Ontario Parks considers barrier-free parks as having level ground (to and from the site), a nearby water source and/or comfort station, a 25-cm high campfire pit, a level parking spot, and an accessible picnic table. Click on the site’s website pages below for more information or contact the park directly. 

Accessible Camp Sites 

Accessible Beaches 

Did you know that seniors aged 65+ and people with disabilities are eligible for reduced camping and day-use fees in Ontario Parks?  You can find a park near you based on the facilities and activities you need. Visit the Ontario Parks website here.

Accessible Trails

As you head out to enjoy these accessible outdoor destinations, remember to put on some sunscreen, dress for the weather, stay hydrated, and know before you go! Enjoy and have a memorable summer with your loved ones!

The information provided in this article is intended for informational purposes only. Rest assured, while we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee that all details are entirely current or error-free. Please exercise caution and verify any information by visiting the Ontario Parks website or contacting the facilities directly.  

Celebrating Disability Pride Month

Celebrating Disability Pride Month: A reflection on inclusion and belonging for people with disabilities in the community – by Heather Lacey

July is Disability Pride Month! 

It is a time to celebrate the significant contributions of people with disabilities. People with disabilities are leaders in their communities and businesses and actively assert their rights by calling out injustices around disability inequalities and accessibility. 

It is a time to be proud of the progress society has made in increasing visibility for people with disabilities in the community. However, visibility is only the first step. The true goal is full inclusion and integration— creating a society where people with disabilities can fully participate in ways that make sense to them, with accessibility accommodations as the standard across all programs and services, not just an option. 

While visibility is a significant achievement, it is not the end goal. We have worked hard to ensure that individuals with disabilities are represented in various aspects of life. However, visibility alone does not guarantee true inclusion. It is about providing equal opportunities for people with disabilities to participate, contribute, and thrive in their communities. 

True belonging goes beyond providing accessibility options. It is about creating environments that are inherently inclusive. This means creating spaces, updating policies, and upholding practices that consider the diverse needs of all individuals from the outset, rather than retrofitting accommodations as an afterthought. 

“Diversity is a fact. Equity is a choice. Inclusion is an action. Belonging is an outcome.”

Arthur Chan, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Strategist

At ABLE2, we are committed to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB). We have incorporated DEIB principles into our policies, processes, and everyday work. 

We operate on a hybrid work model, ensuring our employees have the flexibility and accommodations to meet their needs. Through a generous grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, we were also able to purchase adaptive office equipment such as power-adjustable desks, ergonomic chairs, and specialized hardware. These investments benefit not only the employees with disabilities but all employees, enhancing their resilience and capacity to support ABLE2’s program users and their families. 

The organization is also proud to have established a Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) to ensure the representation of ABLE2’s program users and people with disabilities in the community. The CAC is vital in influencing decision-making and providing valuable insights to our Board. Notably, a member of the CAC also serves on the Board of Directors of ABLE2 for full inclusion and participation in decision-making processes. The CAC members also organize events and fundraising initiatives and contribute to raising awareness, empowering them to lead and create even more opportunities for community engagement. Establishing the CAC aligns with our vision of an inclusive community where people with disabilities are seen as able, important, and valued and are active members of the community.

We have also developed a volunteer program based on a DEIB framework, emphasizing the importance of inclusive participation. This move is crucial to ensuring that all voices are heard and valued. 

When we instill DEIB into our work ethics, we create a more vibrant community where everyone can thrive, foster a sense of belonging, and break down barriers to full participation in all aspects of life. This is the direction we must take towards a genuinely inclusive society. 

Inclusion means empowering people with disabilities to participate in ways that are meaningful to them. This involves creating opportunities that fully engage them in social, economic, cultural, and political life. It means they have the same access to quality education, employment opportunities, leadership positions, or community activities. We need to continue to listen to the voices of people with disabilities and involve them in decision-making processes that affect their lives. By doing so, we can better understand their needs and aspirations and create policies and practices that truly support their inclusion. Finally, we must continue to dismantle the barriers that prevent people with disabilities to live fulfilling lives. 

This Disability Pride Month, I encourage you to reflect on how we can move from visibility to inclusion for people with disabilities. ABLE2 is dedicated to this vision of a community where everyone is seen as able, important, valued, and empowered to build lives of meaning and joy. We invite you to join us in making it a reality. 

Published by

Heather Lacey

Experienced Non-Profit Executive Director

Read Heather’s other articles here

Dennis Blenkin

(Dennis Blenkin (second from left) and his Golden Book Tribute, with ABLE2 Executive Director Heather Lacey (on the left), Cathy Hall, and ABLE2 Founder David Hall) 

Dennis Blenkin

We featured Dennis in our 2016 Annual Report and were delighted to learn about his recent award by the Y’s Men International. 

In May 2024, Dennis was recognized for the positive impact he has made in the Y’s Men International communities. He received a Golden Book Tribute, which is a record for posterity of the “Golden Deeds” of Y’s Men. The Golden Book is housed in Geneva, Switzerland. Congratulations Dennis! 

For ABLE2, Dennis Blenkin exemplifies the goals of the Matching Program; he is someone who with support, has led an independent life of meaning and joy.

In 1974, Dennis was one of the first Friends to be matched to a volunteer Ally. In fact, Dennis, along with another young man, was the catalyst for the formation of ABLE2, at that time known as Citizen Advocacy. Dennis and his match were together for many years and his Ally supported him through many life changes such as finding a new place to live, a job and getting married to the love of his life, Cathy. 

However, life has a funny way of flipping things around. Back in 2016, it was Dennis who was visiting his former Ally. At that time, John had been in a nursing home for 10 years and Dennis was one of only two visitors he had each week. To Dennis these visits were a completely natural thing for him to do; John supported him when he needed someone and when John was the person in need, Dennis was his support.

Sadly, Dennis’ wife, Cathy, died about twelve years ago but the now-retired Dennis has been matched again to a new Ally, Peter, since 2020. 

ABLE2 Feature: Rabia Khedr at the Helm of Disability Justice in Canada

“It has become my purpose; to voice for people who cannot voice for themselves or present their views for themselves in spaces that I occupy or have the ability to reach” 

– Rabia Khedr

If you are part of the disability community, an advocate for people with disabilities, or have been following the recent developments of the 2024 Budget, particularly the Canada Disability Benefit, you are likely familiar with Rabia Khedr. Rabia is a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Awardee, National Director of Disability Without Poverty and a member of the Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities Minister Disability Advisory Group. She is a fearless advocate and champion for accessibility and inclusion. Her influence extends beyond grassroots movements, shaping nationwide policies and standards. Rabia is a driving force in the fight for social justice, disability justice, and human rights, leading the charge for a more inclusive Canada. 

Rabia, who was born with low vision, hails from Pakistan and grew up with a Muslim heritage. Her family moved to Canada in the 1970s and Rabia has since lived in Mississauga, Ontario, where she has raised four children with her husband. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Industrial Relations and Political Science from the University of Toronto and a Master of Arts in Critical Disability Studies from York University. Her firsthand experiences as a racialized minority, living with a disability and having siblings with disabilities, have deeply influenced her perspective on society. This lens is coloured with empathy, tenacity, and a strong commitment to social justice, and has significantly shaped her advocacy work over the years.

Khedr and her sister, Uzma Khan, receiving the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012

Rabia’s career in serving the disability community was not intentional; “It has become my purpose; to voice for people who cannot voice for themselves or present their views for themselves in spaces that I occupy or have the ability to reach,” she declares with conviction. Rabia began working in disability services and with Ethno Racial People with Disabilities Coalition of Ontario (ERDCO), where she had an awakening about the intersectionality of race, culture, faith, and gender. She has since then pursued a work mindset of being a “systems disrupter.”  She served as a commissioner with the Ontario Human Rights Commission and the City of Mississauga Chair of the Accessibility Committee. “I challenge systems to respond to the unique needs of people with disabilities, taking into account their whole identity, not just the disabled person components,” says Rabia. 

Rabia passionately talks about the intersection of disability and race and how mainstream disability discourse does not talk enough about the barriers that exist within faith and cultural spaces. “I took my lived experience, and I ended up applying it to much of my work. So, the gaps and barriers that I faced, that my family faced, I didn’t want other people facing. So, I decided to do something about it by getting more and more active in this space and establishing organizations, doing research, offering my perspectives in different conversations,” shares Rabia. 

Rabia recalls an unfortunate instance where she experienced discrimination as a racialized woman with a disability. “In a settlement agency, I was waiting for a meeting, and the staff assumed that I’m there for language testing. I’m like, ‘No, I’m here to facilitate a meeting,” she explains. “They only saw my skin colour, and maybe I was not making good eye contact, so they think I was there for support.” In many other instances, Rabia shares that the customer service staff will speak to her companion, instead of talking directly to her. “It’s really hard to dissect the experiences I have to just my disability or gender or hijjab, because it’s a combination. It’s because I’m a racialized woman who covers her head, and people think, you know, I’m oppressed,” says Rabia. She strongly emphasizes the importance of recognizing the intersectionality of race and disability and advocates for creating more opportunities for racialized individuals with disabilities. 

Her passions, inspired by her experiences, drove her to establish DEEN Support Services, an agency offering spiritual and culture-directed services for people with disabilities. She also founded Race and Disability Canada, an initiative dedicated to exploring and understanding the lived realities of Indigenous, Black and Racialized people with disabilities in Canada. 

Screenshot from the Canadian Muslim COVID-19 Task Force YouTube page

“One of the things I’m striving for is respite and residential services that meet the needs of folks with intellectual disabilities, given their faith and culture. There should be a continuation of a familial living environment when they cannot be cared for by family. We shouldn’t strip them of their identity as a whole person and just focus on categorizing and labeling and behaviour planning. It should be that they still have the right to have the same living experience,” stresses Rabia. 

As National Director of Disability Without Poverty, Rabia has led a nationwide movement to ensure the voices of disabled people are heard, to influence government decisions in reducing poverty and to secure public support for ending disability poverty. However, the recent outcome of the 2024 Federal Budget, which promised to lift people with disabilities above the poverty line, only proposed a $200/month benefit that will only affect 600,000 eligible Canadians. In the podcast Good Morning Hamilton, Rabia talks about the outcome of the Canada Disability Benefit and says, “Provincial Governments should definitely not claw back on this benefit because people with disabilities are living in significant poverty, and it’s not good enough for Canada and Canadians. It’s not a cost, it’s an investment in unleashing endless possibilities of contribution that disabled people have to make, like me. There is much more work left to do to #BetterTheBenefit,” But with Rabia at the helm of this movement, advocates and the disability community can continue to be hopeful.

Rabia Khedr and her family

When asked what she is most proud of, she shares, “I’m proud of my kids. I have a very supportive husband who has supported my career path and whatever I do in the community. We’ve raised four kids, and I’m very proud of that.” She also shares her achievement in building DEEN Support Services from ground zero, to an organization that operates on a seven-figure budget through direct fundraising and grants. The organization also has peer support groups for people with vision loss, people with mobility-related disabilities, caregivers, siblings, etc., and created a network of support in the communities. Moving forward, Rabia aspires to have more influence in making positive changes in the system and “to keep occupying platforms where I can reach,” says Rabia. 

Finally, Rabia imparts a powerful insight for people with disabilities: “Education is your biggest arsenal. Know who you are, recognize your barriers, and have a plan for your own accommodation. Be bold about it.” Rabia exemplifies that people with disabilities make positive and valuable contributions to our society. May we continue to be inspired by her tenacity and leadership as we collectively strive for a more inclusive and equitable Canada.

David Hall: A Lifetime of Service

David Hall at Evening in the Maritimes on May 1st 2024 – Photo by Caroline Phillips

(Story published in the 2013 Annual Report)

David Hall is a life-long community activist. For more than 50 years, this self-described “shy man who likes to stay involved,” has rallied, inspired and organized volunteers to lend a hand in their community. At least three Ottawa-based organizations, most notably ABLE2 (formerly Citizen Advocacy of Ottawa), have David Hall to thank for their creation. At age 75, he’s now working on a fourth.

When he first moved to Ottawa from P.E.I. in the late 60s, he saw a need to rebuild the local brand of the Y-affiliated Service Club. In search of a cause around which he could mobilize support, he didn’t need to look further than where he was working at the time, the Silver Springs Farm Agricultural Training Program.

Two young participants in Hall’s agricultural training program were residents of the home for the intellectually impaired located across the road. They approached Hall to ask for his help leaving the residence. With the support of volunteers willing to raise the fund required, and the commitment of a dedicated advocate, Edgar Quellette, the two young men went on to lead happy, independent lives. And Citizen Advocacy of Ottawa (CAO) was born. 

After a couple for years selling Christmas trees and raising enough funds to support several other successful matches, CAO received a provincial grant. With that funding, Hall’s group hired one part-time employee and increased the number of matches made from fewer than five to more than twelve. By 1974, CAO could afford full-time staff and was established officially as a charitable agency. 

“Community outreach has always been a big part of my life,” says Hall. Recipient of a national community building award in 1986, Hall isn’t slowing down. He’s in the process of mobilizing support for a new program modeled after CAO— this one, for vulnerable people living in poverty. Asked what keeps him motivated, Hall replies that it’s all about “cutting through the isolation, loneliness and feeling people have that no one cares about them.” At the end of the day, says Hall, “We’re all equal.”

In May of 2024, United Way East Ontario awarded David Hall, founder of ABLE2 the Community Builder Award! The organization recognized David’s dedication to community-building efforts, and empowering vulnerable members of the community! 

Congratulations, David!