Arne: Volunteer turned life-long friend

In 1985, when Arne saw an ad in the paper calling for volunteers to be a friend to an individual with disabilities in the community, he said to himself “I can do that.” ABLE2, then known as Citizen Advocacy of Ottawa, matched him with Norman, a person with a disability who shared similar interests with him. Who knew that that journey would last nearly four decades, showcasing the profound impact one dedicated volunteer can have on another’s life? Arne, now ABLE2’s longest-serving volunteer, has not only been a steadfast advocate and Ally to his Friend Norm but also a friend he can rely on and stand with through life’s challenges.

Their friendship started with a simple offer: “You can call me anytime you need to talk,” Arne told Norman. It was an open invitation that laid the foundation for a bond built on trust and understanding. Through the years, Arne offered much more than friendship; he opened the door for Norm to engage in the community, create connections and relationships, and embrace life beyond the confines of his home.

On one of their more memorable outings, Arne suggested a two-person kayak trip, hoping it would be a therapeutic escape for Norman. As they drove towards the park, Norman began to feel uneasy about the trip. Unsure of how to handle the situation, Arne stopped the car on a bridge and gently eased his concerns. The day turned into a beautiful experience of paddling, swimming, and sharing a meal on an island.

This outing was just one of many ways Arne helped Norman navigate his emotions. Whether it was a walk by the river, listening to meditation tapes, or simply enjoying a meal together, Arne was always there, providing Norman with the support he needed. Norman even had a room at Arne’s place, a safe space where he could retreat whenever life became overwhelming.

Despite the challenges, especially through the pandemic, Arne was steadfast in his commitment to his friend. He continued to check in on him, reminding him of the importance of staying active and engaged. Arne’s reflection on their relationship reveals a deep appreciation for the inspiration that Norman is to him and a profound appreciation of their bond. “Norman is a fantastic person. He did volunteer work too. When I met him, he wanted to do a couple of things… He wanted to leave his parents’ place, he wanted to find a place of his own, he wanted to work… And he achieved most of it. Norman is the kindest person you can imagine.”

When asked why he continues to be a volunteer Ally with ABLE2, Arne says:

“It’s very easy. [Volunteers] don’t have to change their life. They can continue living the way they do. They don’t have to work in a miracle, either. They just need to be a friend. And that’s something we all need, and most of us can be friends.”

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Last April 20, 2024, Arne was awarded at the Volunteer Appreciation Event “Impacting Lives Together” for being the longest-serving volunteer of ABLE2.

Arne’s story is proof of the transformative power of compassion through volunteerism. Volunteers like Arne empower people with disabilities to develop meaningful connections, have opportunities to engage and be active members of the community, and ultimately lead fulfilling lives. Through his commitment to his Friend, Norman, we continue to witness the incredible difference one person can make in another’s life simply by being a consistent and caring friend. Arne embodies the essence of ABLE2’s mission of empowering people with disabilities to build lives of meaning and joy.

As ABLE2 celebrates its 50th anniversary, we are inspired by Arne’s compassion, empathy, and commitment. Many more individuals like Norman are waiting for their Allies. By becoming a volunteer, you, too, can make a significant difference in someone’s life, just as Arne has done for Norman. In a world that often moves too fast, sometimes, all it takes to change a life is to be there, to listen, and to care.