Wrap-around Blanket of Support for Michael and his Family

Four years ago, Michael and his family hit rock bottom.  

Michael had been previously diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). His parents always felt this wasn’t the full story but since Michael was adopted, there were many unknowns about his prenatal background. A mental health crisis in early 2020 left Michael and his family feeling isolated with nowhere to turn.  

Through a friend, the family was referred to ABLE2’s Fetal Alcohol Resource Program (FARP) and immediately felt embraced, supported and heard. The team worked with the whole family, introducing them to other ABLE2 programs and external community resources. 

Michael, who felt lonely and isolated, joined the virtual youth group, and found a community of other youth with, or with suspected, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). The teens developed friendships and supported one another with the help of caring and experienced facilitators.  His family was also supported. His parents attended the FASD Caregiver Support Group where they found others who “got them and their situation”. 

Susan, Michael’s mother, summed up her family’s experience, 

“I don’t know what we would have done without the ABLE2 team. Our family moved from a very isolating time to feeling we belong to a caring community. I don’t know how we would have managed through the pandemic without this support. It was our lifeline.”

The whole family strongly felt that they wanted to help others in the community by financially supporting ABLE2. The impact of the support the family received is continuing. Michael is taking steps forward in his transition to adulthood, his parents continue to receive invaluable support and connections. 

Michael’s and his family’s transformative journey navigating FASD demonstrates the remarkable impact of wrap-around support that FARP offers. As we observe FASD Awareness Month this September, their story is a reminder of the vital role we all play in fostering understanding and support for individuals with FASD like Michael. When you support ABLE2, you ensure that more families like Michael’s receive the wrap-around support that they need, so that they can thrive and build lives of meaning and joy.  

*Names have been changed for privacy.